These days, every time we open a magazine or turn on the television, we hear talk of IMMUNITY. Do we really believe what is said everywhere, written everywhere? Do we even think about prevention when we are well? We don't even need to...... until we're in serious trouble. Do we really want to wait? Is it worth it?
The immune system plays an important role in a person's life. It defends our bodies against the onset of disease.
The role of the immune system
The fundamental role of the immune system is to distinguish its own cells from foreign cells. It consists mainly of white blood cells, lymph nodes and immune organs. This can be referred to as non-specific immunity, which is innate. Another part is specific immunity, which develops during life. It is composed of humoral and cellular parts and is activated only after encountering a certain antigen.
Manifestations of weakened immunity
A reduction in immunity is technically called immunodeficiency. A distinction is made between immunodeficiency of congenital origin (known as primary immunodeficiency), but various influences acquired during life (e.g. metabolic disorders, surgical stress, chemotherapy treatment, AIDS, diabetes) can also be the cause. In such cases, the condition is known as secondary immunodeficiency. Congenital immunodeficiency usually has a more serious course, with the manifestations of immune system failure depending in many respects on which component of the immune system is damaged. In severe forms of immunodeficiency, the first symptoms may appear at a very early age. These may include umbilical cord discharge, otitis media or pneumonia. A weakened immune system manifests itself externally, first and foremost through reduced resistance to infection. People are sick more often, suffer from allergies and develop asthma. It can even lead to the development of tumours in the body.
Prevention and support options
Everyone is probably wondering "How do I deal with weakened immunity?". Primary immunodeficiency is difficult to prevent. For secondary immunosuppression, an appropriate lifestyle plays an important role. The best way to boost immunity is to eat a healthy diet, consume the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantity and get good quality sleep. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, for example, can also be seen as a preventive measure. Smoking, frequent use of medication and high stress levels also have a negative impact. For more advice on boosting immunity,