Boosting your immunity in summer

The sunshine vitamin
18 March 2023 by
Boosting your immunity in summer
ImunoBran Luxembourg et France
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You start going out more often and, little by little, meeting family and friends. But don't forget to boost your immunity at all times, because the coronavirus may return in the autumn with even greater force. How can you boost your immunity in summer? Read this article!

Most forecasts point to a new wave of infections in the autumn, when many infections caused by other viruses and bacteria also occur. In this article, we'll tell you how to minimise the risk of contracting the virus and how to increase the likelihood that, if you do catch the disease, it will be mild, with no serious symptoms.

Lately, we've all been on a crash course in the rules of hygiene that will apply for many years to come, and perhaps for good. We've learnt how to eat healthily, or at least we've learnt the principles of rational eating. We've learned how to pickle vegetables, bake bread and make sugar-free sweets. However, some of us have forgotten about the daily dose of physical activity. The approaching summer is an excellent opportunity to catch up, oxygenate the body and pick up a little vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin. All this helps to strengthen the body and develop immunity for a long time to come!

Summer activities

The current situation is encouraging us to get on our bikes more often. It's seen as a much safer way of getting around than public transport. Cycling to work is certainly an excellent dose of daily activity, but you get the most benefit from outdoor activities when the air is really clean. So it's best to choose green, wooded or seaside areas for jogging, Nordic walking, long bike rides and ball games. These activities not only strengthen your muscles, they also have a positive effect on the efficiency of your lungs. Training your body strengthens your immune system.

The sunshine vitamin

You should also make the most of the sun, as it is under its influence that the skin synthesises vitamin D, which it is difficult to supply to the body in sufficient quantities through diet alone. Vitamin D is mainly found in fish such as eel, salmon and mackerel, as well as in eggs and dairy products, although it is present in small quantities. As you know, vitamin D not only influences bone health and the proper functioning of the nervous system, but also helps to boost the body's immunity. An increased intake is particularly recommended for autoimmune diseases, diabetes and various types of cancer.

How can I help my intestines?

Immunity is closely linked to the balance of intestinal bacterial flora, and summer is the time to improve it effectively. As well as probiotics such as lacto-fermented vegetables, yoghurts and kefirs, and prebiotics such as garlic or onions, which should be consumed all year round, during the summer we have fresh vegetables and fruit, which have a positive effect on intestinal health. Eat tomatoes, peppers, beans, sorrel, spinach, blueberries, strawberries and plums. The fibre they contain is good for the intestines, and their vitamins and minerals boost the body's defences. Give up unhealthy habits and addictions. Don't smoke or abuse alcohol. Drugs destroy and eliminate vitamins and microelements, which are essential to the proper functioning of the immune system.

It's high summer, but keep your distance

The good weather doesn't mean you don't have to take responsibility for your own health and that of others. Keep your physical distance, wear a mask in enclosed public spaces such as shops or offices, and comply with the instructions of the authorities. Don't forget that in good weather, it's easy to lose your guard, and we can't afford to do that.

Norms of nutrition for the Polish population (Normes de nutrition pour la population polonaise). Institute of Food and Nutrition (Institut d'alimentation et nutrition), Varsovie, 2017.

Dymarska E., Factors modelling the human immune system (Les Facteurs de modélisation du système immunitaire humain), Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnica (Scientific Journals of the Witelon State Higher Vocational School in Legnica), n° 19(2)/2016

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