Vitamin D - An important part of our lives

Immunity - a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer
18 March 2023 by
Vitamin D - An important part of our lives
ImunoBran Luxembourg et France
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Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin, because one of its main sources in our bodies is skin synthesis, made possible by exposure to the sun. As an organic compound, it has been the subject of much research and is frequently studied by scientists. In laboratory nomenclature, it corresponds to the code 25(OH)D3 and its recommended blood level is between 30 and 80 ng/ml. Its deficiency is thought to be a frequent cause of cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, as well as cancers. Discover the importance of vitamin D for the body's immunity, but also as a supplement to the daily diet.

Strong bones, but not only!

The most common form of vitamin D3 is cholecalciferol, which is synthesised in the body using ultraviolet (UV) light. Its primary function is to regulate the calcium-phosphate balance and the metabolism of bone tissue, which means that it has a particular influence on the structure and function of bones and teeth, keeping them healthy and strong. It is therefore important from the point of view of preventing diseases of the bone system such as osteoporosis or rickets.

Vitamin D3, which is responsible for maintaining the correct level of calcium in the blood, is also important for the proper functioning of the nervous system, in nerve impulse conduction processes and muscle spasms.

Studies confirm that vitamin D supplementation during childhood reduces the risk of type I diabetes. On the other hand, people who have recently developed type II diabetes and who monitor their levels achieve the desired effects in terms of insulin secretion and glucose tolerance.

Vitamin D has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system, promoting the natural processes of defence against viruses and bacteria. This is important at a time when the incidence of flu and flu-like infections is increasing.

Vitamin D deficiency - what can be done about it?

Vitamin D deficiency is fairly common, affecting between 50% and 80% of the population. The most common reason for this deficiency is insufficient sunlight due to the latitude at which we live. In Luxembourg, the period from March to September is considered to provide an adequate supply of vitamin D, with exposure to the sun for 15 to 30 minutes a day (or until the skin turns slightly pink) on the hands, arms and face.

Deficiency of this precious vitamin is also influenced by age (the older you get, the greater your needs) and skin type (the darker your complexion, the less the vitamin is assimilated).

Given the above factors, as well as the autumn-winter period, which is characterised by insufficient sunlight, oral supplementation is recommended - for adults, at an average dose of 800-2000 IU. This recommendation is also supported by the fact that the food products available are not fortified with a level of cholecalciferol that would enable the recommended daily dose to be reached.

Anti-cancer effects of vitamin D

Given the strong link between vitamin D and the body's immunity, studies to date indicate that it also has anti-cancer properties. Firstly, it speeds up the death of cancer cells (known as apoptosis) and reduces the rate at which new blood vessels form to feed the existing cancerous tumour (known as angiogenesis). This is the general conclusion of in vitro tests conducted on breast, lung, colon, prostate and bladder cancer.

Studies examining the influence of vitamin D supplementation on the results of chemotherapy are promising - the combination of 1,25(OH)2D3 at a dose of 0.5 µg with the standard drug docetaxel gave better treatment results than the use of the chemotherapy drug alone.

Immunity - a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer

Stimulating the immune system is an important preventive measure against diseases of civilisation, but it is particularly recommended for people who have been or are currently being treated for cancer.

Results as optimistic as the combination of vitamin D with docetaxel have been obtained by combining chemotherapy with arabinoxylate - a compound derived from the outer husk of cereal grains such as rice or wheat. This main component of dietary fibre is considered to be a natural prebiotic that stimulates the intestinal microflora and contributes to the growth of beneficial germ-fighting bacteria.

Sources: Milena Osińska, Anna Pazik, Kinga Krasuska, Rafał Zadykowicz, Adam Kazberuk, Edyta Rysiak, The role of vitamin D deficiency in the pathogenesis of cancer (Le rôle de la carence en vitamine D dans la pathogenèse du cancer), FARMACJA WSPÓŁCZESNA (PHARMACIE MODERNE) 2017; 10: 100-106 (lien :

Alina Kuryłowicz, Tomasz Bednarczuk, Janusz Nauman, Influence of vitamin D deficiency on the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases (L'influence de la carence en vitamine D sur le développement du cancer et des maladies auto-immunes), Endocrinologie polonaise, /Polish Journal of Endocrinology Tome/Volume 58; Numéro/Number 2/2007 ISSN 0423-104X. (lien :

Karolina Kulik-Kupka, Justyna Nowak, Aneta Koszowska, Anna Brończyk-Puzoń, Anna Dittfeld, Barbara Zubelewicz-Szkodzińska, Vitamins in the fight against cancer (Les vitamines dans la lutte contre le cancer), Med Rodz 2016; 1(19): 26-31. (lien :

Better medicine, The underestimation of vitamin D in cancer prevention (Un meilleur médicament, La sous-estimation de la vitamine D dans la prévention du cancer) - revue des études, lien internet,niedoceniana-witamina-d-w-profilaktyce-nowotworow-przeglad-badan (24.02.2020). Benefits of arabinoxylan, web access: (24.02.2020).

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